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Monday, October 4, 2021

The art, science, music, culture, and comedy in your business shines through a natural glow with every room of your I C castles.

The art, science, music, culture, and comedy in, around and through all business with every I C castles program created and designed to suit the needs of every industry. 

I C castles with J4C4U

Internet Complete (Integrated Circuits) client's appreciation services (caring and sharing) top leads excellence systems (transactions leverages extra strengths) with Just4Cash4You.com

Your IC castles records include performances for your business about and including reference to your business data for every sector. It will facilitate every function in all that is designed, developed and created for this program as well as multiple other areas of your business too. 

Entertaining, interesting, informative discussions,debates, activities, conferences, expo's for top business networking and building business relationships optimisation extras leads for outstanding exposure.

All topic and subject related, not only with interactive video recordings, but also bonus blogs incentives, extra email events (designed to reduce/diminish spam), website occasions, social media specialties, plus currents classifieds initiations.

All these features are involved in the Internet Complete. These valuable Integrated Circuits associated processing can and will allow for payment/extra revenue/ income leverages available to the company who pay for the I C castles events.

Accommodating also in coverage of all initial costs. Inclusive are all payments to the Guest Hosts, and Gifted Hosts as well.

This will show in that I C castles is a way for all involved to earn and made for every program and participants their business growth.

Some will pay to be there and get their ROI from their original costs applied without any question, guaranteed. Others will be paid to be there, all directly involved with their areas of expertise and its relation to every industry.

Then with extra payments also being from advertisements, promotions, and marketing before, after and during the activities, posts, Blogger, website actions, on location and on  premises while online in both and  during events, through the Internet Complete. Then  with ads, marketing and promotions creating payments in all of these areas too. 

The areas of prosperity for all with every I C castles are extensive.
The I C castles teams create, plan, manage, and maintain all areas for you.

Call us for a quote and to discuss your I C castles foundations as soon as possible. The sooner you start the bigger your I C castles program can and will be.

I C castles is all about business growth, appreciation and continued increasing income with the services and systems in your program developed uniquely for every business.

Business relationships optimisation extras means that each time the program starts the next stage and phase of your I C castles, it remains as a continuous area for growth and processes the services consistently there after.

Get started and stay involved with this advanced programming for every industry. At I C castles we do it all for you, you are involved with a continued business relationships program specifically designed for you as much as you choose to or not to be included.

Directions for every process is in your control. Everyone is a winner. 

I C castles
Internet Complete Clients Appreciation Services
Top Leads Excellence Systems
J4C4U is Just4Cash4You.com
I C castles and J4C4U as business in Australia it is registered as
Justine Ellen O'Brien ABN # 45822164003

Google My Business:
GMB https://just-4-cash-4-you.business.site

Follow I C castles with J4C4U! Justine O'Brien Blogger Here....
Justine OBrien http://justineobrien.blogspot.com.au
Business Online http://buysellearnbusiness.blogspot.com.au
Just4Cash4You https://just4cash4you.blogspot.com
I C castles with J4C4U https://iccastleswithj4c4u.blogspot.com/
J4C4U with I C castles https://j4c4uwithiccastles.blogspot.com/


Make a time that suits you best:

FB -


@Justine_OBrien1 -
@Just4CashJ4C4U -

Just4Cash4You AT http://www.just4cash4you.com

Google My Business - Internet Complete Client Appreciation Services Top Leads Excellent Systems:
Make a time that suits you best:

Just4Cash AT http://www.just4cash4you.com

Skype ID: just4cash.juzz4cash just4cash.juzz4cash@gmail.com

Linkedin: https://au.linkedin.com/in/just4cash
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/juzz4cash
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/just4cash4you
Yahoo: https://juzz4cash.yahoo.com.au
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/just4cash4you
MySpace: https://myspace.com/just4cash4you.com
Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/just4cash

I C Castles with Just4Cash4You (J4C4U).
Internet Complete Client Appreciation Services
Top Leads Excellence Systems

I C castles website:

Make your appointment now

This program includes
Google Maps Street view Trusted photography. 


Check out Internet Complete (Integrated Circuits)
clients appreciation services 
(caring and sharing)
top leads excellence systems
(transactions leverages extra strength).

I C castles with J4C4U on Google!
Thank you.
Call us +61 407546146

Sunday, October 3, 2021

BABK - Be Auspicious. Be Kind. DNLB - Do Not Live Backwards.

BABK - Be Auspicious. Be Kind.

DNLB - Do Not ''Live'' Backwards.

Move on with forward thinking and prosper.


Hi everyone,
It is always wonderful to share happiness, knowledge, kindness, caring,
great health and success in all we do.

For business:
I C castles
Internet Complete (Integrated Circuits)
clients appreciation services (caring and sharing)
top leads excellence systems (transactions leverages extra strength).

All for building Business relationships optimisation extras
(Broe - the UNISEX version of Bro, sis!).

Google Maps Street view trusted photographer

J4C4U is Just4Cash4You.com
Google My Business:
I C castles with J4C4U on J4C for B BROE
as business in Australia it is registered as
Justine Ellen O'Brien ABN # 45822164003

Google Maps Street View Trusted Photographer
confirmation list:

Street View trusted pros are:
Recipients of the Street View trusted badge
Distinguished contributors with fifty approved and published 360 photos
Featured in our index of for-hire professionals
Equipped to use the Trusted brand assets for marketing purposes

Google Workspace Enterprise ,
Google Chrome Enterprise ,
plus Google One ,
Level 10 Google Maps Local Guides Connect,
Google Maps Street view trusted photographer.

Google Workspace Enterprise referrals:



Google My Business:
GMB https://iccastles.com

Follow I C castles with J4C4U! Justine O'Brien Blogger Here....
Justine OBrien https://justineobrien.blogspot.com.au
Business Online https://buysellearnbusiness.blogspot.com.au
Just4Cash4You https://just4cash4you.blogspot.com
I C castles with J4C4U https://iccastleswithj4c4u.blogspot.com/
J4C4U with I C castles https://j4c4uwithiccastles.blogspot.com/

FB -



Just4Cash4You AT http://www.just4cash4you.com
I C castles AT iccastles.com
Just4Cash AT just4cash.com

Google My Business - Internet Complete Clients Appreciation Services Top Leads Excellent Systems: https://iccastles.business.site
Make a time that suits you best:

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/juzz4cash

Just4Cash AT http://www.just4cash4you.com

Skype ID: just4cash.juzz4cash

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/juzz4cash

Linkedin: https://au.linkedin.com/in/just4cash
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com.au/just4cash
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/just4cash4you
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/just4cash4you
MySpace: https://myspace.com/just4cash4you.com
Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/just4cash
Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/just4cash4you

Google Maps Street view trusted photographer as Justine O'Brien with I C castles

I C castles with J4C4U is the Internet Complete (Integrated Circuits) clients appreciation services (caring and sharing) top leads excellence systems (transactions leverages extra strength) with Just4Cash4You.

I.T. is all about Appreciation! This is about being involved in and becoming a part of your community, enjoying when each business benefits and clients do too. New and innovative your I C castles is a way to connect and stay connected through appreciation. A continuous live communicable program.

ICcastles.com Internet Complete is Video, Website, Email, Blogging, and Social Media, Marketing and Promotions plus classifieds. \Unique Clients Appreciation Services designed for your business with Business referrals. Creating Top Leads Excellence Systems (transactions leverages extra strength) with Just4Cash.com and Just4Cash4You.com using Activities. occasions, discussions, debates, events and so much more planning, maintenance, and management, online, on location and on premises. For Building Business Relationships Optimization Extras (B BROE the unisex version of bro, sis).

The art, science, music, comedy and culture of business with Guest Hosts and Gifted Hosts in Your business your community, your I C castles. Unique content that is live and digital in between, designed with your specific requirements related to every part of your business. Extra connections with your community.

Community interactions that are continually making your business with your clients (and as clients to your developers and suppliers) get deeper than ever before. Using your IC castles to expand and increase appreciation at all levels. ICcastles B BROE.

Unique content that is live and digital online, on location and on premises.
Building business relationships optimisation extras ( BBROE ). BROE is the unisex version of Bro! Get deep. Be connected. Shine on!

Svetlana Stavreva
President of IPRA - the International Public Relations Association

and also #onEBoard YouTube https://youtu.be/FcRf8T27PEM

Google Workspace Enterprise, Google Chrome Enterprise, plus Google One, Level 10 Google Maps Local Guides Connect and Google Maps Street View trusted photographer.

Google Workspace referrals:


Call us +61 407546146
Take care. Stay in touch.


Auspiciousness, Dignity, Integrity, Eunoia, Eudaimonia

Auspiciousness -

auspicious • \aw-SPISH-us\ • adjective.
1 : showing or suggesting that future success is likely : propitious
2 : attended by good fortune : prosperous.

synonyms for auspiciousness · adequacy · compatibility · consistency · eligibility · preparedness · qualified readiness · advantageous · felicitous · opportune · promising · propitious · bright · favorable · fortunate .. propitiousness · promising


Google Workspace Enterprise account, Google Chrome Enterprise account, plus Google One Member, Level 10 Google Maps Local Guides Connect member and Google Maps Street view Trusted photographer.

I C castles with J4C4U is the Internet Complete Clients Appreciation Services Top Leads Excellence Systems with Just4Cash4You.
I.T. is all about Appreciation! This is about being a part of your community, enjoying togetherness.
A continuous live communicable program.

ICcastles.com Go Internet Complete is Video, Website, Email, Blogging, and Social Media Marketing and Promotions. Unique Clients Appreciation Services designed for your business with Business referrals. Creating Top Leads Excellence Systems with Just4Cash.com and Just4Cash4You.com using Event planning, maintenance, and management, online, on location and on premises. For Building Business Relationships Optimization Extras (B BROE the unisex version of Bro!).

The art, science, music, comedy and culture of business with Guest Hosts and Gifted Hosts in Your business I C castles. Unique content that is live and digital in between, designed with your specific requirements related to every part of your business. Extra connections with your community.

Community interactions that are continually making your business with your clients (and as clients to your developers and suppliers) get deeper than ever before.
Using your IC castles to expand and increase appreciation at all levels.
I C castles B BROE.

Unique content that is live and digital online, on location and on premises.
Building business relationships optimisation extras ( BBROE ).
BROE is the unisex version of bro, sis! Get deep.



Justine OBrien biographic intro:
I C castles
Internet Complete
clients appreciation services
top leads excellence systems
J4C4U is Just4Cash4You.com
I C castles and J4C4U as business in Australia it is registered as
Justine Ellen O'Brien
ABN # 45822164003

Services are events, activities, occasions, expos, presentations, science fairs, all associated with the business who the I C castles are created for.

Systems are transactions methods, business multiple income leverage, increased revenue systems.

Building business relationships optimisation extras (broe) are all adapted to each business in recruiting and influencing ways for new and existing customers to be appreciated and to show appreciation in doing so also.

The subjects and topics are made so that earnings are made for the I C castles owner as well as those involved in contributions in the I C castles. Plus building business lists in those who attend the activities will be there knowing that the companies/businesses who own the I C castles appreciated them being there (at each occasion /I C castles room that is made as well as being able to attend in-between and communication can be done using AI at these times as well). The who, what, where, when and how of each business/industries art, science, music, comedy and culture.

Food - The I C castles are all designed to include services and systems that are made related to the food (including local area farmers, and food resources companies in
every I C castles for extra revenue ) .

Shelter - (castles created and designed by local architects with digital tools/resources for improved living standards). Businesses will be able to be distinguished by their own uniquely designed I C castles.

Clothing - Designs by local/national/international contributors will be created specifically related to the I C castles business and then also be made with digital features based around the businesses/industries included requirements.

Medicine - (These can and will be created to assist in raising funds for medical research and needs of those on low income. I C castles will be for profit as well as not-for-profit programs).

Education - for schools and universities as fund raising programs (as well as introducing new talented skilled graduates to various industries/businesses).

Transport - Every I C castles program also will cover transport for all business areas and how AI will be introduced to cut costs and increase efficiency.

Services: Activities digital that is online only, online on location, online on premises and so much more as described in multiple data seen on GMB iccastles.com and just4cash.com Google Sites just4cash4you.com

I C castles services and systems are varied designs created for each I C castles program.

These will be based on the art, science, music, comedy and culture of each business who the I C castles program is designed for. For example when there is a Gifted Host or a Guest Host who has interests in certain topics and subjects, then
the I C castles teams arrange services and systems that are all associated with these in relation to the business that the I C castle program is created for.

So when the person likes violin and riding bikes; Then there will be services and systems created about and around those subjects. Not only will there be events that mean there is a Meet occasion that has hundreds of people from around the world playing violin at the one time, the business that the Guest Host/ Gifted host works in. There is a list of extra earnings made available for the I C castles business also.

There will be a portfolio that is created for that company. There will be people who pay to be a part of the occasion and also many will be paid (Included in the original I C castles payment arrangements).

So an example of just one area of the I C castles created for your business is where the songs played will be composed and designed specifically related to the businesses who own the I C castles. So that with each area of music (Jazz, orchestral, rock 'n' roll, rap, country, hip hop etc) will be performances from the local, national and international contributors, each paid for in the I C castles plans. These artists will then also get extra options for references to their own compositions and as such are also able to achieve multiple income leverages.

I C castles is easy to remember think of it as your business sweet strength. When you think of I C the Internet Complete is Blogs, websites, videos, emails, social media, classifieds and more. I C is Integrated Circuits.
I C is Ice Cream castles.

Castles are clients appreciation services (caring and sharing) top leads excellence systems (transactions leverages extra strength).

The strength of every business is in great clients business applications services and top leads excellence systems, kindness and compatibility with computability, integrity and dignity. Continued business growth for all industries.

I C castles is for every business in every industry. It is a multitude of extra income leverages that are designed for you and your communities. Everyone earns with I C castles. Find out more on I C castles.


Magic, Eunoia, serendipity and EUDAIMONIA confluence. Euphoria – A Greek State of Ecstacy

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. "
Arthur C. Clarke.

Sir Arthur Charles Clarke CBE FRAS was an English science-fiction writer, science writer, futurist, inventor, undersea explorer, and television series host. He co-wrote the screenplay for the 1968 film:
2001: A Space Odyssey,
one of the most influential films of all time. (Wikipedia).

Born: 16 December 1917, Minehead, United Kingdom

Died: 19 March 2008, Colombo, Sri Lanka


When love is magical it is destiny. When destiny has a sense of humour, it is serendipity.
****J'adore. xo

Rock on. Stay strong.

“The World pushes us without mercy and when some push back, the world points and cries, ‘Evil’”— Mewtwo (Pokémon)


DNLB - Do Not ''Live'' Backwards. Move on with forward thinking and prosper.
BABK - Be Auspicious. Be Kind.

+++++Your IQ has more value when you use your EQ wisely. +++++

**** Do "LIVE" backwards.***
(lol... Spell it! ..... Do not do it, Ok Make sure you never do that!)

*What is one difference between the ethnography of communication approach and interactional sociolinguistics?

Ethnography is the systematic, qualitative study of culture, including the cultural bases of linguistic skills and communicative contexts (Ochs & Schieffelin, 1995). Sociolinguistics, on the other hand, focuses on how language use is shaped by individual and societal forces (Coulmas, 1997).

*May the force be with you.


*Ethnography of communication

Examines the patterns of communication, the way systems of communicative events are organised and the ways in which these interact with all other cultural systems. In short, ethnography of communication allows researchers to connect linguistic forms with cultural practices. *Context is crucial.


*What are the components of communication as stated in the ethnography of communication?

K – key – the tone and manner in which the speech is carried out.
I – instrumentalities – the medium of communication that is used.
N – norms of interaction – the rules of speech, interaction and interpretation.
G – genres – the 'type' of speech and its cultural contexts.


+++ Eudaimonia with eunoia:

Q - Questioning interpretations - configuration of context.
U - Understanding, explanations - creating innovative sociable communicable solutions.
E - Evolutionary experiences - widening scales for confirmation of formulation.
E - Exploration of differences - incorporation including variances.
N - Novaturient naturalization - enabling adaptable extended entities involvement.

*Classic reflex broe!
*The unisex version of bro! Sis! xo
*Business relationships optimisation extras! BROE!

A new governance: (No mints or limits: reference to costs for and of maintenance and management of human existence).
*Confluence +++++++
An act or process of merging.

"A major *confluence* of the cultural and socioeconomic influences across every nation. Progressive changes created through a combination of I Q interpretations and EQ inspirations.
Designed by integrating the world's financial and economical markets into evolutionary eudaimonia based programmatic system's."

*Recovery, recuperation, reform, redesign, regenerate*


Definitions of interactional. adjective. capable of acting on or influencing each other. synonyms: interactive mutual, reciprocal. concerning each of two or more persons or things; especially given or done in return, without expectations.

So, instead of, or really, as well as happiness, Eudaimonia could be translated as: fulfillment, living a good (moral) life, human flourishing, and moral or spiritual success.

Eudaimonia - being a moral person, controlling your emotions, and exercising reason.

*Recovery, recuperation, redesign, regenerate*

I C castles
Internet Complete (Integrated Circuits)
clients appreciation services (caring and sharing)
top leads excellence systems (transactions leverages extra strength).

All for building Business relationships optimisation extras
(Broe - the UNISEX version of Bro, sis!).

Google Maps Street view trusted photographer

J4C4U is Just4Cash4You.com
Google My Business:
I C castles with J4C4U on J4C for B BROE as business in Australia it is registered as Justine Ellen O'Brien ABN # 45822164003

Google Maps Street View Trusted Photographer
confirmation list:

Street View trusted pros are:
Recipients of the Street View trusted badge
Distinguished contributors with fifty approved and published 360 photos
Featured in our index of for-hire professionals
Equipped to use the Trusted brand assets for marketing purposes

Google Workspace Enterprise ,
Google Chrome Enterprise ,
plus Google One ,
Level 10 Google Maps Local Guides Connect,
Google Maps Street view trusted photographer.

Google Workspace Enterprise referrals:

Thank you.
Call us +61 407546146

Move on with forward thinking and prosper.


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